7:30 AM
A quick once over of a long day:
La Angostura was great, and a lot was explained about the program and how the talapia farming works (not scientifically, although a bit in regards to the system and how the farming is done, but much more in principle of the ministry, it's function and what the farm accomplishes as well as the things God has already done with the farm's creation alone, even in its unfinished state.
(hinthint: Those taking part in Ignite360 starting July next year will see the finished farm. ;)
We got back in the bus.
More bus.
Went to the hotel the PF people are staying at and the girls went back to the house to get themselves and those who needed it a change of clothes for church while the guys stayed at the hotel. We then took Dawn Marie, Jenna, Christa and Peter to the church and helped set up for The Potter's Field presentation: Spanish Edition (totally made that name up just now).
Then the presentation, which as usual was amazing. This being my third time seeing it, I am starting to realize that each time Pastor Mike and Pam Rozel seem to have something different to say or new to add. I'm really thankful for their ministry.
8:37 AM
Bird song
We're just sitting by the bungallo waiting for Trevor to get the trash bags so we can do a quick once over the property, and I'm just sitting here listening to the birds, looking at the carefully kept grounds and flowers thinking, "This is such an amazing place that God has blessed these children with."
4:25 PM
A lot can happen in half an hour. . .
. . . and even more over the course of a day.
We got a ton of work done. Heading to the church now to help with Pastor Mike's second presentation and we just finished raking part of the front property in preperation for the pastor's conference.
To back up, Trevor had Jaymi and I switch jobs. That may or may not have been a good idea. Instead of trash duty I was spot painting one of the buildings, spot painting meaning, "Not the whole wall, just spots that look like they need it after you've wiped the dust off with a rag."
And I was told to do the entire building. Except I only almost finished the wall I started on. I am an extremely detail oriented individual who happens to lack time sensitivity, something not very helpful while sprucing up for a Pastor's conference happening the next day, and something I've known I need to work on but am reminded of again in a whole new way.
Trevor never said anything, so I'm hoping he didn't actually expect the entire building to be finished. (Except, you know, he totally did and I won't pretend otherwise. ):
After lunch we split up, I joined Pastor Steve in his tour of the property to see the rain damage and find out about the future plans to replace the drainage system. (Remember the canyon?)
And so we return to the beginning by, once again, speaking of the end: We finished up the day by raking and making a path area look all pretty like. <3
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